
Unit Testing with Junit 5

Overview In this post, we delve into the core aspects of unit testing using JUnit 5. Understanding Unit Testing What is Unit Testing? Unit testing involves testing individual units ...

User Authentication using Spring Security

Overview In this post, we delve into the core aspects of Spring Security authentication within a Spring Boot application. The focus lies on the fundamental helper classes that play a pivotal role ...

Exploring Spring Security configuration

Overview Having gained insights into the architecture of Spring Security for servlets, we now turn our attention to how Spring Boot configures Spring Security within a Spring Boot application. Sp...

Spring Security Servlet Architecture

Overview In our journey through foundational concepts like Filters and Interceptors, coupled with essential security principles, we are now set to unravel the intricacies of Spring Security’s oper...

Filter vs Interceptor in Java

Overview Filters and interceptors are two mechanisms used in Java for intercepting and manipulating requests and responses in a web application. While they share a common goal, they differ in thei...

Common Security Concepts

User: The first step in securing a system from malicious attackers is identifying legitimate users and allowing access to them alone. User abstractions are created in the system and given their own...

Spring Security Basics

Spring Security Evolution: Originally named the “Acegi Security System for Spring,” Spring Security emerged as a standalone project outside the Spring ecosystem. Initially focused on authorization...

Service Virtualization

What is Service Virtualization ? Service virtualization refers to the practice of creating a virtual version of a service, such as an API or a database, for the purpose of testing or development. ...

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